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Current Road Board

Sharron Taylor, President
Kelly Green, Secretary & Social Media
Allison Kikauka, Vice President/Treasurer
Ed Kikauka, Road Superintendent
Bob Mahon, Director (Collector/Data Manager)
Dave Taylor, Assistant Road Director
Charlie Latino, Director (Collections Acquisition)
Faye French, Bookkeeping


We encourage you to volunteer your time and join the Balsam Chutes Road Association. A place where you will become an active member, contributing to the ongoing community spirit, encouraging accountability and accomplishing the goals for the betterment of overall maintenance all while networking with those living in Balsam Chutes.


General Expectations:

  • Hybrid (virtual/in-person) meetings once a month, usually in the evenings.

  • Attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) yearly.

  • Participate and actively contribute to the decision making, planning and implementation of by-laws and community growth within Balsam Chutes.

  • Help neighbours feel valued, respected and foster a sense of ownership, responsibility and accountability.


Even a few hours a month can make a difference! Bring your knowledge, lived experiences and dedication to your local Road Association where you can make an impact that matters.


Nomination Form - due May 31st


Contact us at to share your interest or have your questions answered.

Your Board Directors,
Balsam Chutes Road Association

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©2020 by Balsam Chutes Road Association

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