Balsam Chutes
Road Association
Located on the outskirts of Port Sydney, Balsam Chutes Road is a three-kilometre, privately maintained road, that connects two municipal roads. It meanders parallel along the North Branch of the Muskoka River.
Yearly Road Fees
Balsam Chutes Road has been in existence since the early 1970s and was incorporated in 1997. When you purchase a property on the road, you automatically become a Stakeholder in the Corporation. As a private road, the residents are responsible for all maintenance and upkeep. Thus, all property owners pay a yearly fee.
Yearly road fees allow for the necessary construction and maintenance that keeps our road drivable and safe. It has allowed the Board to purchase the road from the original developer, make substantial improvements, such as bringing in fiber optic internet and allow for safe and clear access of emergency services i.e. ambulance, fire, etc.
Please click on "Yearly Road Fees" for more information.

The Road Board
The Road Board is comprised of elected property owners, who are in good standing. They volunteer their time and expertise to execute three goals. The primary goal is accountability and fee collections by obeying applicable laws and regulations, including our own bylaws. The secondary goal is road maintenance and upgrading. And the Board's third goal is to create a sense of community.
Please click on "Current Board Executive" for more information.

Property owners are Stakeholders
As a Stakeholder, a property owner in good standing, meaning that your road fees have been paid in full, you can contact The Board with concerns, comments, and suggestions.
You are also welcome to attend the Annual General Meeting in May to review the year and determine what should be focused on for the upcoming 12 months.
The minutes from past AGM's can be found under "Documentation".

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”